Best Gadgets for Students

The Best Gadgets for Students to Boost Productivity and Education

Finding a balance between personal life and school can be hard for a student. You are not alone in this; luckily, many others have overcome the same challenges and succeeded. Productivity is a key foundation to achieving academic goals, so you should work towards boosting it as a student.

Thankfully, technology has advanced so that we now have gadgets readily available that can help make you a better student. Unfortunately, not all of them are that good or affordable on a student’s budget. However, fear not, as in this article, we make the difficult choice of what gadget to get, a simple one, so make sure to read until the end.

Top 9 Gadgets for Students

A modern student can not imagine their life without helpful gadgets like a PC, a mobile phone, a calculator, a digital watch, etc. It’s hard to imagine that not very long ago, students had to go to the library and do all their research offline, writing down the information they have found manually. Thankfully, no there are better and faster ways to learn. Here are nine of the best gadgets every student should have to boost their productivity:

  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Smartwatch
  • Noise Canceling Headphones
  • Portable Charger
  • Smart Pen
  • Wireless Mouse
  • Desk Lamp
  • External Hard Drive

1.   Laptop

The first thing you should consider getting as a student is a laptop. This will help you when working on projects, researching online, or when you want to relax and just watch a movie. The laptop market has many options, from Chromebooks to $5,000 gaming PCs. When trying to decide, make sure to focus on the important stuff like battery, portability, minimum performance, and of course, price.

2.   Tablet

While a laptop is great, it isn’t good for all scenarios. For instance, when you are walking in the park or out with friends, you might want to quickly update a research paper or carry out other academic activities. Trying to type on a mobile device for long periods of time isn’t enjoyable, so you should consider getting a tablet.

Samsung Tablet

They are lightweight, have decent screen sizes, and are affordable too. Besides the right device, you may also need some expert help to achieve the best academic results. If your writing skills aren’t at their peak, there is no need to worry because Grab My Essay online writing services give you access to fast, high-quality writers. This website offers a wide range of academic writing services that have been priced specifically to help students afford them.

3.   Smartwatch

It’s well established that students rarely have enough time to themselves. This makes it hard for some to prioritize getting good food into their system, sleeping on time, or even tracking their health. These days, you can monitor all of this and more with a simple smartwatch. There are top manufacturers like Samsung, Apple, and Google, which come with many features, so feel free to check out their retail websites for more.

4. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Whether it’s in class or in your dorm room, it can be hard to find a quiet place to study. Many students choose the library, but commuting to and from the library can sometimes reduce your study time. Take, for instance, you walk for 30 minutes to the library only to find out you forgot an important book. This would mean you have to return to your room and then return to the library before you can begin studying.

Sony headphones

This isn’t efficient or productive, so it can be a good idea to get noise-canceling headphones. Having one means you get to create your study spot where you want. You can even play some white noise in the background to ensure any environmental noise that makes it through your headphones quickly drowns.

5.   Portable Charger

Running out of battery while working on an important project is probably every student’s worst nightmare. You don’t want to be in such a situation, so you must be prepared. A power bank is a great choice to ensure you always have an emergency power supply for your productivity gadgets. There are many manufacturers to consider when choosing a power bank, so make sure to do your research before making a choice.

6.   Smart Pen

As previously mentioned, having physical notes can mean your study time is easily affected if any of your materials go missing. This is why you should invest in a digital pen. A smart pen allows you to take notes in your handwriting and store them online.

Smart pen

When paired with a tablet, this can help take all your physical notebooks and upload them to the cloud. Another benefit of a smart pen is that by storing your notes online, you always get access to them as long as you have an internet connection.

7.   Wireless Mouse

A wired mouse can leave your desk looking cluttered and, in some cases, might even cause silly trips. You should use a wireless mouse to avoid accidentally damaging any of your properties. Not only are they easy to use, but a wireless mouse also has a longer range.

Wireless mouse

When paired with a wireless keyboard, you can interact with content freely without being close to the monitor. This will help reduce cases of eye strain as well.

8.   Desk Lamp

To avoid eye strain, you must ensure your reading environment always has suitable lighting. Repeatedly studying in the dark can lead to migraines and reduce your retention ability.

LED desk lamp

An LED Desk Lamp can be a stylish, affordable, and productive solution to the problem.

9.   External Hard Drive

Lastly, sometimes you must get valuable data from a fellow student or teacher. You should opt for an external hard drive to prevent your mobile device storage from getting overwhelmed. This will also help you arrange your documents to make them easy to find.


Academic success comes from being productive and maintaining excellence. One of the ways to achieve this is by leveraging technology to your advantage. Every one of the gadgets discussed today can be a great tool when used properly. So, pick up some gadgets mentioned in this article and get studying!

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